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It's fair to say the Skyrim follower system works much better than its pretty poor Oblivion counterpart.

However, as TES gamers we all know there's always something to complain about.

Everything I made for Obliviion is free to convert to Skyrim. Since Im not going to convert them myself. Do not upload this file on Steam Workshop until furthur notice. ( I like Nexus so much more as a modder). Skyrim is a huge game with many secrets still being found today for the first time. With the new edition of Modding, Skyrim has gotten even bigger and better. Mods like Project AHO, Beyond Skyrim and Inigo add story and characters, as well as locations and are also mods you can't get with PS4. If modding Bethesda games are important to you, XB1. It's fair to say the Skyrim follower system works much better than its pretty poor Oblivion counterpart. However, as TES gamers we all know there's always something to complain about. Whether it be not enough followers or certain companions not being good enough, room for improvement will always exist.

Whether it be not enough followers or certain companions not being good enough, room for improvement will always exist. Don't worry, there's a solution: modding the hell out of your game.

I've compiled my picks for the absolute best follower mods to add into Skyrim for your downloading pleasure.

Let's discover new followers that you can add to the game, without forgetting some fantastic mods that also serve to enhance the experience with your followers too.

Adding new people to follow you around is always cool. But let's have them stop acting like idiots, that's even better!

20. Aurora and Twilight Followers

I think one of the most essential things that a follower mod needs to have is an impeccable voice over.

I can't tell you that this one is perfect, but both of these followers are fully voiced as well as really well designed.

Aurora and Twilight are fully customizable, which means you'll be able to select their body types and even choose whether you'd like them to be werewolves or vampires.

So is there even more, you ask?

Yes, they can both get married!

19. Eryniel Elf Reborn

Eryniel is an elf who has become one with nature.

She handles herself exceptionally well in combat, and she does so by summoning the strength of all nature spirits to fight at her side.

This unique mod adds a total of 35 new Spriggan spells, all of which are part of Eryniel's magic arsenal.

The character comes with various traits, a warrior skillset, and even the ability to call her your wife. Nice!

18. Tame the Beasts of Skyrim

Have you ever wanted to take control of Skyrim creatures?

I wouldn't blame you if you did – some of the animals in the game would work fantastically as followers. Or even a few modded beasts while you're at it.

Tame the Beasts of Skyrim allows you to do just that!

Approach any creature in the game and speak the ancient elf tongue, which will let you tame them with words. Fight alongside any of your animal brethren.

17. Danariel Stormbow

This mod is basically a remastered version of the 20th mod on my list above.

But instead of Twilight and Aurora, it adds one of the best archer companions that I've ever seen in Skyrim.

Worth checking out if you dig the look, although certainly not the best(or worst) follower mod you can get.

16. Arvak – Legendary Edition

Tired of the basic horses that come with the game?

If the answer is yes, then I might have the solution to your predicaments.

Arvak is a horse/companion that seems to have been taken straight out of Oblivion and thrown onto your doorstep.

Powerful, mighty, and looking slick with its purple flames. What else could you ask of a follower or companion? Maybe not to poop so much, but eh what can you do.

15. Followers Can Relax

In terms of mods that enhance follower experience, this has to be one of my favorites.

No longer will your followers stay with you through thick and thin if you just want to do other stuff without them.

Order them around and have them wander the woods in search of raw materials, or simply tell them to sit down and stay out of the way.

It's up to you to decide what they do. And for some reason they'll just listen, every damn time.

14. Poet Follower

This relatively small follower comes with the ability to act like an absolutely sadistic barbarian and some of the highest-quality blunt skills that I've seen.

She does remind me of one of those old Final Fantasy characters.

The inspiration to create her might've come from that lore, but she fits so well into Skyrim too.

13. Better Stealth AI for Followers

One thing we can all agree on is the fact that followers are extremely idiotic when it comes to acting with stealth.

If you've ever tried to sneak past an enemy with a follower behind you, chances are that they've rushed to action and ruined all the fun for you.

This mod allows your followers to stop acting like complete tards and focus on the act of stealth whenever you are sticking with it too.

12. Recorder

If you want a useful follower that will spice up your adventures, then Recorder might be the one you're after.

This woman seems to have it all.

And that's quite a huge compliment when said to someone in the world of TES.

Recorder is a masterful bow-woman as well as a fully-voiced character that has some of the best custom dialogue lines I've heard.

Again, I'm glad I'm able to complement the voice lines of a modded character – I've seen some absolute abominations in my days downloading mods for this game. Some people should really stay away from voice acting… but not whoever did Recorder's voice.

11. Tania The Hermit

Tania is an elf that now wanders, lost, the lands of Skyrim.

According to the stories, there used to be a small elven kingdom that was destroyed by an unknown force; she was the sole survivor of the attack.

You can now have her join your adventures while you help her solve her own questions.

Whatever happened to her land?

Who was responsible for bringing it to an end?

Tania is a very interesting follower that might lack a bit of combat expertise, but hey – that's nothing a few hours of training can't fix.

10. Spouses Can Live Everywhere

One of the things that many people hate is how limited spouses seem to be.

Whether you want to have them live with you or have them stay elsewhere, customizing your spouse's behavior doesn't seem to be one of the main features that vanilla Skyrim offers.

This mod allows you to choose where you want your spouses to live, and this doesn't even include custom locations or indoor areas.

You can actually have your spouse live in the streets if that's what your heart wants!

Wherever you decide to set their preferred location, they will act just as they do in any vanilla home.

That includes their vendor features, too.

9. Cerwiden – Smart Healer

A mage with a custom voice? Sign me up!

This amazing follower is one of the most talented mage companions that you can download for the game.

She can assist you during your quests with a lot of help.

The best thing about Cerwiden, though, isn't her prowess as a mage.

Her voice acting is impeccable. And her interactions with other followers and with you, based on environmental changes, are just too good.

If you want a character that feels like more than an NPC, you'll want to check out Cerwiden.

8. Hoth

Hoth is not only the name of the planet where the Rebel Alliance had their base.

It's also the name of one of the coolest follower mods that you can download for Skyrim. This is the first dude on my list, a spot he has earned by simply looking like a badass and offering a skillset that not many others can match.

This man is as brutal as they come.

He's going to smash through your enemies' skulls with superhuman strength, or simply shoot them from afar with his world-class marksmanship.

If you're looking for a follower that isn't just another pretty face, give Hoth a try. You won't regret having him around.

7. Familiar Faces

Alright, this mod is by far the most original one on this list.

The whole concept of the mod is something that every Skyrim player will love to see.

Familiar Faces allows you to add your other Dragonborns to the game world.

That's right: your other save files will now be able to import themselves into your game, and all of your other characters will now appear in a special area of the world.

Build a shrine for your other selves. Have them follow you around Skyrim as trusty companions to continue both of your adventures together.

Or even fight them to see who is the mightiest Dragonborn.

6. Arissa – The Wandering Rogue

Arissa has to be one of the best-voiced characters that I've ever downloaded for Skyrim.

And trust me when I say that I've downloaded quite a few.

She's a rogue, which makes her a fantastic archer as well as one of the finest pickpockets around.

Like many other character mods on this list, Arissa is completely custom-made from scratch.

She has a unique appearance that makes her differ from many of the other characters in the game. Basically, a really cool follower to keep around.

5. Extensible Follower Framework

If you liked the 'Followers Can Relax' mod then you're going to fall in love with EFF.

This expands the way followers work and takes the experience to a completely different plane of existence.

With EFF you'll be able to tell your followers to remain idle in a certain area, have them go on their horses to get you specific items, dual-wield weapons, or you can even have them change their status to Essential.

This mod allows you to turn followers into whatever it is that you want them to be.

When it comes to customization for your companions, this is the best mod that I've come across.

4. Vilja in Skyrim

Vilja is a cool bard that resembles Daenerys Targaryen a bit, but has her complete opposite personality.

This character comes with a full voiceover which is always nice.

And she'll take any task you give her, also a nice addition.

Her backstory is as cool as they get, too, enriching the experience while holding pretty lore-friendly.

If all things go well between you and her, you might even be able to marry her.

She even has a small story progression system that makes her an even more appealing companion to keep around.

3. Inigo

Inigo, who I'm pretty sure was meant to be called Iñigo but the creator lacked the 'ñ' on his keyboard, is a follower worth looking into.

He's a legendary warrior with over a thousand lines of dialogue to provide a completely reinvigorated follower experience in the game.

The best thing about this guy is the level of depth that the creator of the mod gave him.

The dude can run out of arrows and you'll have to restock him. And he can even level up alongside you to make it all feel even more realistic, yet not OP.

Overall a great addition to your battles and well worth downloading to see what you think.

2. Sofia

I'm pretty sure one of the reasons why this character is so popular in the community is because of the inherent thirst of many players. But trust me – there's much more to Sofia than her looks.

This funny follower is as brave as they come, yet also as valiant as the best.

She is voiced by a professional voice actor and provides you with an experience that no other follower in the game is capable of giving.

Smart, good-looking, and with a killer eye for hunting prey – whether it be a beast or a human. Sofia's a true MVP.

1. UFO: Ultimate Following Overhaul

We have finally reached the follower overhaul to end all follower overhauls.

If you thought that the EFF mod was good, then prepare to meet the best of the bunch.

This one includes a whole list of features that go from improving the basic follower system to adding new stuff that didn't come with vanilla Skyrim. The list is almost endless.

Trust me, you'll want to check it out yourself. Browse the mod page for more info but this is something you'll need to experience to understand.

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Practicing magic in Skyrim is easily one of the main reasons why so many people love the game.

Embarking on a journey across the cold region of northern Tamriel can be fun when you're slaying foes left and right with the power of your spells. Mastering the various schools of magic also gives you enough variety to keep you entertained for hours.

But now that Skyrim has been a thing for almost a decade, it's only natural that people are looking to add more spells and learn new magical goodies to keep the game fun and fresh.

That's where magic mods come in! Many of the spells included in these mods are as balanced as you get from the ones included in the base game, so balance won't be a thing to worry about.

In any case, not every mod in this list is about adding new spells to the game. Some of these add amazing mechanics that greatly improve magic in general, so be sure to check out everything here and download anything that catches your eye.

20. Colorful Magic

Colorful magic gives a new taste to the way spell casting works in Skyrim.

Firstly it aims to add a plethora of new unique spells and enchantments, all of which can be freely used depending on your school of preference.

It also adds many enemies to the game, amongst which you'll find some very colorful foes that give you a magic vibe like no other creatures in the game.

In general, even though this mod isn't the most balanced on this list, it does give you over 350 unique spells to add to your large arsenal.

19. Face Light

Face Light makes this list because of its magical principles, but not mainly because of how effective or powerful it is.

It simply makes the lighting of your character's face much more realistic upon activation, which makes this one of the best mods for people that need to take close-up pictures of their characters for one reason or another.

Face Light is a custom spell that you can choose to activate during any time in the game, as long as you have it equipped. And as long as you get this mod installed.

18. Enchanted Arsenal

Sure enough, you'll come across various enchantment mods during your search for magic mods online.

However out of all those mods that change the way enchantments look, the Enchanted Arsenal mod is a fan-favorite. Mainly because of how easily customizable it is.

The mod gives you access to a variety of animations that you can add to any of your weapons, giving them a unique feel that the base game fails to provide.

It's awesome and the best enchantment mod for those who want full customization of their weaponry.

Although there are some better mods on this list when it comes to the quality of visual effects added to the game, this one is worth looking into.

17. Spell Crafting for Skyrim

One of the features that you might be missing the most is spell crafting.

This mod adds the ability back into the game so you can create your own spells and abilities based on powers that the mod has included.

I mean really, you can create your own spells however you want them to look. That's pretty boss.

16. Animated Enchantments Overhaul

If you want unique-looking weapons and enchanted weaponry to look like no other in the game, then this is the mod for you.

It will make your weapons look unique depending on the type of enchantment that they have, whilst also projecting a different vibe while wielding them that no other mod in the game is capable of achieving.

Easy but definitely a noticeable difference.

15. The Way of The Force

Are you a Star Wars fan?

I'm gonna guess yes and say you'll absolutely love this mod.

With this you'll be able to learn the ways of the Force thanks to a series of quests that get added to the game, and you'll also be able to choose whether you want to be a Sith Lord or a Jedi Master with the powers that you'll learn.

The mod adds countless new abilities to the game as well as many weapons fitting of a Force user.

14. Spellmaking in Skyrim – The Last Altar

Spellmaking in Skyrim makes it a little bit better to craft spells than the first mod that we reviewed on this list.

For starters, this makes it for players to go to an altar if they are to craft spells, which means you won't be able to make spells wherever you go.

Although that's a bit more inconvenient, it does make it fairer and more balanced. Sometimes mods try to do that!

In any case, this mod will allow you to combine abilities and spells to enhance your powers and come up with unique abilities that only you will be able to use. So there are plenty of upsides to try it out.

13. Elemental Destruction Magic

Have you ever wondered why there are so few natural abilities to attack with?

Wouldn't it be better if you could summon rocks and other natural elements to cast powerful spells of the School of Destruction?

The answer is most definitely, yes.

With this mod, you'll be incorporating countless of new powers and abilities to the game based on some elements that the School of Destruction should be able to control in the base game.

That means that this mod is fully lore-friendly and really fun to play with.

12. Skyrim Spells and Powers

Made by the same author of the Bend Time mod, this one incorporates a ton of new spells to be used by mighty mages that have already reached higher levels in Skyrim.

As you might know, one of the main problems of vanilla magic is that some abilities get extremely repetitive and boring when you reach the higher levels.

So this mod is specifically meant to combat that little issue. Pros will love it.

11. Bend Time

As its name suggests, this mod allows you to play with time and bend it at your will.

When you cast this spell you'll be able to stop time(as the name kinda suggests).

This ability comes to be extremely useful in any type of combat situation as you'll be able to freeze over your enemies and deal damage fast. And they only get hit once time resumes.

Furthermore, you aren't affected by the time-bending itself. Which means that you can freely walk and shoot arrows and steal all while your enemies are frozen in time.

10. Bat Travel Power

This mod is ideal to be used by players who are working on a lore-friendly vampire character.

This is a special type of fast travel that is meant to be used by vampires, as it turns them into a cloud of bats and helps them traverse Skyrim much quicker without having to discover some locations first.

You can even set your own markers and decide where you want to go on the map!

9. Midas Magic Evolved

Summon new creatures, destroy foes with powerful beams of energy, and use new conjuration spells with the Midas Magic Evolved pack of over 250 new abilities.

You can even shoot magic arrows with the new powers that you're given, but beware!

Some of them can be very strong if your mage is a highly leveled up being. Be sure to use the powers wisely and don't let things get out of control.

8. No Enchantment Restrictions

This mod allows you to enchant and disenchant items that the base game wouldn't naturally allow you to do.

Which is highly convenient as it unlocks many more features that you can work with when crafting new pieces of armor and magical weaponry.

This also removes restrictions regarding the type of armor or weapon that you're enchanting.

With this mod you might create enchantments that would be exclusive to armor that matches your build. It's highly convenient, although some might consider it a bit overpowered.

7. Lost Grimoire of Skyrim

Lost Grimoire of Skyrim is carefully created to allow players to add a plethora of new spells to the game, all of which you can use in a balanced environment without having to worry about the spells being broken or too overpowered.

In fact, this mod is one of the best at keeping things balanced and in check when adding new stuff to the game.

If you want to add a bunch of new mechanics to your magical repertoire and not having to worry about discarding the ones that are overpowered then this mod is exactly what you're after.

6. Phenderix Magic Evolved

One of the largest additions of spells to the game, Phenderix Magic Evolved is a gigantic project that adds a lot of variety to the spells that come with base game Skyrim and introduces many new features.

One of the coolest features is spell combos that you can create with the many magical spells combined together.

You'll be able to come across new spells by approaching magic vendor throughout Skyrim, and the best thing about this mod is that it also makes them appear as random loot too.

This means that you'll be able to encounter new, powerful spells as you traverse the realm and slay foes with your magical prowess. Just play the game as normal and be pleasantly surprised along the way.

5. Forgotten Magic

Forgotten Magic isn't made to introduce a lot of spells into the game as most other magic mods do.

In fact, it does the exact opposite.

The main purpose of Forgotten Magic is to provide the player with a small roster of new spells to cast, all of which feel like they belong in the game and complement each other surprisingly well.

4. Wintermyst – Enchantments of Skyrim

Sure, base game Skyrim does have its fair share of enchantments to make your weapons and armor as powerful as can be.

But how cool would it be for you to enchant your armor with Overbearing spells?

How about arrows that do piercing frost damage?

All of this can be done with the Wintermyst set of enchantments which add over 120 different enchantments to the game. Neat!

3. Flying Mod

Riding a dragon is cool and all, but you know what's even cooler?

Blasting past dragons by flying like a demigod across the lands of Skyrim!

The Flying Mod, although it remains in beta, is currently the best option that you have to traverse the skies of Tamriel with the sheer power of magic – no mount required!

The mod provides you with a powerful spell that lets you lift off from the ground with ease.

And it has a ton of different animations included to make you feel more immersed in your newfound abilities.

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2. Deadly Spell Impacts

One of the major flaws of Skyrim (which might limit your immersion level) is that all spells leave the same mark when you cast them toward something.

Deadly Spell Impacts changes the damage done to structures and items when a spell hits them, making it more accurate to the type of spell that was cast.

As such, frozen spells will leave an icy mark on the surface that they land. And fire spells will make it even more clear that a blaze of flame has passed through the targeted point.

Maybe not a required addition but certainly adds more realism to this already incredible game.

1. Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim

I really don't want to spoil the magnificence that is the Apocalypse magic mod. So I say download it and try it for yourself first.

But it adds over 100 spells, all of which are carefully crafted and balanced, and they include amazing textures that you won't find anywhere else in the game.

The creators of the mod have also made sure to make it compatible with other spell mods on this list so feel free to install it with other mods if you like!

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